Stone for arthritic conditions.

Crystal: Copper
Improves metabolism and reduces inflammation through increased blood flow. A superb energy conductor, it amplifies thoughts and healing through the wearer. It warms and releases resentment and anger which can build up in the joints. Aids arthritis and rheumatism.
Price: £1.00 (Per Nugget)

Composition: K(Al,Cr)2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2

Alternative Names: Chrome-Mica
Healing: Fuchsite increases the energy of other crystals and helps in the transfer of their energy. Fuchsite stabilizes spinal column alignment and increases flexibility in the musculoskeletal system. It treats repetitive strain injury, carpal tunnel syndrome and also aids in balancing the red and white blood cell ratio.
Unpolished small :
Price: £1.00

 FuchsiteUnpolished large :
Price: £24.99

Agate: Blue Lace
Composition: SiO2
Alternative names: Light Blue Miracle Stone, Blue Agate.
Healing: Inspirational and uplifting stone. 
Treats arthritic conditions rheumatism and joint problems. Brings peace and patience. 
Cooling stone.
small product photoTumblestone :
Price: £1.00
