Composition: Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)
Healing: Yellow Apatite is about clearing mental confusion while boosting your self esteem. Manifest or create abundance either in your work place or as in creating your dreams. Use for courage, risk taking healthy choices and joy.
Composition: Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
Alternative names: Asparagolite, Asparagus Stone, Augustite, Stone Of Awareness.
Healing: Aids clairvoyance & telepathy. A great balancer for the chakras, it assists a deeper state of meditation. Heals thyroid glands & organs. Aids the formation of new cells. Suppress hunger and increases metabolic rate.
Composition: Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
Alternative names: Asparagolite, Asparagus Stone, Augustite, Stone Of Awareness.
Healing: Aids clairvoyance & telepathy. A great balancer for the chakras, it assists a deeper state of meditation. Heals thyroid glands & organs. Aids the formation of new cells. Suppress hunger and increases metabolic rate.
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