There are lots of crystals which aid blood circulation and blood flow. Many of these have very high iron content and aid the absorption of iron into the system.
The obvious few are Hematite, Magnetite, Lodesstone and Sphalerite.
However here are a few that are very good for specific blood disorders.
Composition: Mg6(OH)8Si4O10Alternative names: Buddstone, Budstone, African Jade, Brown Serpentine.
Healing: Raises oxygen levels & aids dizziness. Cleanses the blood, removing toxins, and genital disorders. Increases resistance to infection, soothes allergic conditions. Brings reliability, fortitude & constancy. Can be used to access and assimilate ancient knowledge. It is an excellent stone to stimulate the movement of the Kundalini.

Composition: MnO2
Alternative Names: Fusa, Varivicite.
Healing: Strengthens the aura to repel negativity. Promotes confidence and optimism. Brings determination to a desired cause. Can aid in breathing difficulties and Bronchitis. Protects against danger & toxins. Enhances memory & intellect. It is used for healing and balancing the aura via repelling negative energy. Has been used in treatment of bronchitis, to regulate metabolism and to strengthen the walls of the blood veins
2. Purpurite
Purpurite is helpful for wounds, bruises, uric acid levels, and purifying the blood. Its has been known to bring prosperity and help with finances. It is also good in helps
Composition: MnO2
Alternative Names: Fusa, Varivicite.
Healing: Strengthens the aura to repel negativity. Promotes confidence and optimism. Brings determination to a desired cause. Can aid in breathing difficulties and Bronchitis. Protects against danger & toxins. Enhances memory & intellect. It is used for healing and balancing the aura via repelling negative energy. Has been used in treatment of bronchitis, to regulate metabolism and to strengthen the walls of the blood veins
2. Purpurite
Purpurite is helpful for wounds, bruises, uric acid levels, and purifying the blood. Its has been known to bring prosperity and help with finances. It is also good in helps
3. Seftonite
Good for the blood, it enhances physical & mental vitality. Reduces stress. Helps centering, intuition & creativity. Tumblestone: Price: £1.50
Good for the blood, it enhances physical & mental vitality. Reduces stress. Helps centering, intuition & creativity. Tumblestone: Price: £1.50
4. Sphene
Is a calming stone which stimulates the heart chakra. Helps to stimulate the immune system to increase red blood cells and to balance Unpolished : Price: £4.00
Is a calming stone which stimulates the heart chakra. Helps to stimulate the immune system to increase red blood cells and to balance Unpolished : Price: £4.00
5. Verdite
Cleanses the blood, removing toxins, and genital disorders. Increases resistance to infection, soothes allergic conditions. Brings reliability, fortitude & constancy. Can be used
Cleanses the blood, removing toxins, and genital disorders. Increases resistance to infection, soothes allergic conditions. Brings reliability, fortitude & constancy. Can be used
6. Tigers Iron
It is a stone of balance, especially the maintenance of white and red blood cells. It can increase the production of natural steroids in the body and is beneficial for the
It is a stone of balance, especially the maintenance of white and red blood cells. It can increase the production of natural steroids in the body and is beneficial for the
7. Mother of Pearl
Relieves high blood pressure, dizziness, improving vision, cataracts, and wound healing. Brings the gentle peaceful energy of the sea. Relaxing soothing to the emotions aids
Relieves high blood pressure, dizziness, improving vision, cataracts, and wound healing. Brings the gentle peaceful energy of the sea. Relaxing soothing to the emotions aids
8. Pyrolusite
Has been used in treatment of bronchitis, to regulate metabolism and to strengthen the walls of the blood veins Unpolished : Price: £19.99
Has been used in treatment of bronchitis, to regulate metabolism and to strengthen the walls of the blood veins Unpolished : Price: £19.99
9. Pyromorphite
Can be used for chills, gum disease, and removing organisms from the blood. Unpolished : Price: £19.99
Can be used for chills, gum disease, and removing organisms from the blood. Unpolished : Price: £19.99
10. Carnelian
Helps kidneys, lungs, liver, gall bladder & pancreas. Revitalises the blood. Enhances sociability Tumblestone: Price: £1.00
11. Bloodstone
Good for the blood, it enhances physical & mental vitality. Reduces stress. Helps centring, intuition & creativity. Tumblestone: Price: £1.00 Tumblestone Heliotrope : Price: £1.
Helps kidneys, lungs, liver, gall bladder & pancreas. Revitalises the blood. Enhances sociability Tumblestone: Price: £1.00
11. Bloodstone
Good for the blood, it enhances physical & mental vitality. Reduces stress. Helps centring, intuition & creativity. Tumblestone: Price: £1.00 Tumblestone Heliotrope : Price: £1.
12. Opal
Used to treat blood disorders. It has also been known to be useful in treating psychological disorders such as depression, apathy, lethargy, intuition & joy Unpolished : Price: £
13. Hematite
Eases blood pressure & stress. “Stone for the mind”. Enhances mental clarity, memory & original thinking. Tumblestone: Price: £2.00 Tumblestone: Price: £3.00 Unpolished :
Eases blood pressure & stress. “Stone for the mind”. Enhances mental clarity, memory & original thinking. Tumblestone: Price: £2.00 Tumblestone: Price: £3.00 Unpolished :
14. Erythrite
Used to treat skin disorders, bone marrow and red blood cell ailments. Good for throat infections. Unpolished : Price: £9.99
Used to treat skin disorders, bone marrow and red blood cell ailments. Good for throat infections. Unpolished : Price: £9.99
15. Chiastolite
Lowers blood pressure and reduces fever in illness. Can help repair chromosome damage. Used by nursing mothers to aid feeding. A stone symbolising rebirth that is used to ward off
Lowers blood pressure and reduces fever in illness. Can help repair chromosome damage. Used by nursing mothers to aid feeding. A stone symbolising rebirth that is used to ward off
16. Copper
Improves metabolism and reduces inflammation through increased blood flow. A superb energy conductor, it amplifies thoughts and healing through the wearer. It warms and releases
Improves metabolism and reduces inflammation through increased blood flow. A superb energy conductor, it amplifies thoughts and healing through the wearer. It warms and releases
17. Cinnabar
Indian word for ‘Dragon's Blood'. It stimulates dignity, vitality and power. A good stone for business and finance. It produces and maintains wealth, also helps with fertility.
Indian word for ‘Dragon's Blood'. It stimulates dignity, vitality and power. A good stone for business and finance. It produces and maintains wealth, also helps with fertility.
Hope this helps!!!
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