Show someone you love them in 2012

Show someone you love them in 2012!

It doesn't have to be Valentines day to show someone you love them.....If you are one of those who think Valentines day is a bit silly, and you want to show some one you love them "all your round"...make the point now, and then your protests on Valentines day will actually have some real standing. 

Crystals for Valentines Day Gifts
And just for love! 

Rose Collection Products
quartz favour
Rose Quartz Heart
Beautifully sculpted piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning hearts presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
quartz deluxe bracelet favour
Rose Quartz Deluxe Bracelet
Beautifully polished piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning tumblestones presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
quartz bracelet favor
Rose Quartz Bracelet
Beautifully sculpted piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning hearts presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
quartz tumbled
Rose Quartz Tumblestone
Beautifully polished piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning tumblestones presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
Amethyst Collection
amethyst heart
Amethyst Heart
Beautifully sculpted piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning hearts presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
amethyst bracelet
Amethyst Deluxe Bracelet
Beautifully sculpted piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning bracelets presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
amethyst bracelet
Amethyst Bracelet
Beautifully sculpted piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning bracelets presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
amethyst tumbled
Amethyst Tumblestone
Beautifully sculpted piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning hearts presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
Quartz Collection
Quartz hearts
Quartz Heart
Beautifully sculpted piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning hearts presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
quartz bracelet
Quartz Deluxe Bracelet
Beautifully sculpted piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning bracelets presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
Quartz bracelet favour
Quartz Standard Bracelet
Beautifully sculpted piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning bracelets presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
Quartz tumblestone favour
Quartz Polished Gemstone
Beautifully polished piece. Your guest will recieve one of these stunning polished gemstones presented with a desciption card, in either the deluxe or standard packaging.
Ribbon Colour
Agate Book Ends
Crystal Bookends 
Price: £29.99

Power Bracelets
Power Bracelets  are believed to work in a similar way to Crystal Healing pendants. Crystal healers say that it works because everything is energy and vibrates at various frequencies and that crystals work via these vibrations. Every living thing has a vibrational energy system, which includes chakras, subtle bodies and meridians. By using the appropriate crystals one can allegedly retune an energy system or rebalance a body's energies, thus improving well-being. In the same way power bracelets are thought to promote a corresponding emotion or psychological state. Thus these bracelets help to inspire and attract the following energies:
QuartzClear Quartz (Healing)
Rose QuartzRose Quartz (Love)
FluoriteFluorite (Harmony)
AmethystAmethyst (Wisdom)
CarnelianCarnelian (Inspiration)
Tigers EyeTiger's Eye (Creativity)
RhodoniteRhodonite(True Love)
