Crystal Healing:
What are Crystal and Energy (Spiritual) Healing?
Crystal Healing and Spiritual Healing are holistic therapies, which means that the focus is on the individual as a whole, rather than on physical symptoms alone. The aim of both therapies is to restore wholeness, balance and health to emotions, mind and spirit as well as the physical body. Hence they should be considered complementary to orthodox medicine and not an alternative. During a healing, crystal and spiritual healers act as a channel for beneficial healing energies, directing these to the client as appropriate. The only difference between these therapies is that crystal healers will use crystals to shape and focus the energies according to need. It is a more specialist therapy, which is why longer training is required.
How does Energy Healing work?
Energy healing works upon the electromagnetic field around our body, known as the aura. This field has been discussed and contemplated within the realms of healing and philosophy for thousands of years. Kirlian photography has been used to photograph it and science has proven that it must exist around every physical object and organism. An in-depth look at the aura reveals that it consists of several layers called the subtle bodies. These contain further energy systems, all interconnected and affecting each other as well as the physical body. The auric field directly relates to our emotional, mental and spiritual makeup and so, when we are well and healthy, the energies flowing through it are clear and balanced. Any form of disharmony in our lives, however, can cause blockages or other disturbances in our aura and when not addressed, they may eventually manifest as physical illness.
How does Crystal Healing work?
Crystals have been used for healing since ancient times by many different cultures and in the last twenty odd years, there has been a great revival of this art. Crystals are highly powerful and effective tools for healing as they contain a number of special properties and interact with us in many different ways. One of these properties is the unique vibration of each crystal. This is a result of its colour frequency, chemical composition, inner atomic structure and outer form. Not only does this property make a crystal indispensable in altering electromagnetic waves for medical machinery and quartz watches, but it can also modify ‘healing energy’. Another property of crystals is the distinct orderly structure which enables them to absorb, reflect, transform, transmute, balance, direct, amplify, clear, focus etc. energies. Essentially, a crystal can adapt healing energy in any way imaginable. Since crystals and minerals make up most of the earth’s crust and also reside within the human body, it can be said that, in a sense, we are all part of and living on a crystal.
Which Crystals to use
Many crystals are said to be helpful with certain conditions or symptoms and to have so called traditional meanings. Lists of these, often found in books for the lay person, only serve as an initial, general guideline and greatly over simplify issues. Although different people can suffer from identical symptoms, the cause of these symptoms may vary considerably from person to person. The resulting disturbance in the auric field may therefore be of another nature. Equally, each person is unique and will need the appropriate crystals for their specific needs. This is why one cannot generalize concerning using crystals for healing.
There are thousands of different minerals and crystals. Most healers use around a hundred different varieties (at most) for healing. During a healing session, only a few of these will be applied. The energies of specific crystals may be calming, energising, purifying, grounding or uplifting. They may have a protective, soft, direct, light, profound or other energetic quality. A crystal healer will first of all assess the exact nature of any blockages in a client’s auric field and then choose crystals with the appropriate energy frequency to help restore harmony and balance.
How can Crystal Healing help me?
Healing can promote ‘wellness’, help prevent physical illness and support the recovery of existing symptoms. It can also be very helpful in crisis situations and with ‘terminal’ illness. Healing often involves some form of change in a client’s overall way of being. It may be through the release of redundant patterns, a relief of stress and tensions or a deeper insight into the cause of a specific problem or symptom. It may also be through revitalisation, relaxation or establishing a greater amount of peace and harmony.
What to expect during a Crystal or Energy Healing Session
You may be asked to remove your jewellery and to either sit on a chair or lie on a therapist’s couch during the treatment, fully clothed (minus shoes!). The healer will help you to relax and, for crystal healing, may then place some crystals on or around your body. You may experience a slight tingling or nothing at all. Changes do still happen on subtle levels. At times, existing issues may slightly intensify before being released This occurs usually within three days of a treatment and the healer will always explain to a client what to expect or do should this happen. Usually the whole session will not last more than one hour. All healers adhere to a strict code of conduct and confidentiality.
(Information from CHF)
What are Crystal and Energy (Spiritual) Healing?
Crystal Healing and Spiritual Healing are holistic therapies, which means that the focus is on the individual as a whole, rather than on physical symptoms alone. The aim of both therapies is to restore wholeness, balance and health to emotions, mind and spirit as well as the physical body. Hence they should be considered complementary to orthodox medicine and not an alternative. During a healing, crystal and spiritual healers act as a channel for beneficial healing energies, directing these to the client as appropriate. The only difference between these therapies is that crystal healers will use crystals to shape and focus the energies according to need. It is a more specialist therapy, which is why longer training is required.
How does Energy Healing work?
Energy healing works upon the electromagnetic field around our body, known as the aura. This field has been discussed and contemplated within the realms of healing and philosophy for thousands of years. Kirlian photography has been used to photograph it and science has proven that it must exist around every physical object and organism. An in-depth look at the aura reveals that it consists of several layers called the subtle bodies. These contain further energy systems, all interconnected and affecting each other as well as the physical body. The auric field directly relates to our emotional, mental and spiritual makeup and so, when we are well and healthy, the energies flowing through it are clear and balanced. Any form of disharmony in our lives, however, can cause blockages or other disturbances in our aura and when not addressed, they may eventually manifest as physical illness.
How does Crystal Healing work?
Crystals have been used for healing since ancient times by many different cultures and in the last twenty odd years, there has been a great revival of this art. Crystals are highly powerful and effective tools for healing as they contain a number of special properties and interact with us in many different ways. One of these properties is the unique vibration of each crystal. This is a result of its colour frequency, chemical composition, inner atomic structure and outer form. Not only does this property make a crystal indispensable in altering electromagnetic waves for medical machinery and quartz watches, but it can also modify ‘healing energy’. Another property of crystals is the distinct orderly structure which enables them to absorb, reflect, transform, transmute, balance, direct, amplify, clear, focus etc. energies. Essentially, a crystal can adapt healing energy in any way imaginable. Since crystals and minerals make up most of the earth’s crust and also reside within the human body, it can be said that, in a sense, we are all part of and living on a crystal.
Which Crystals to use
Many crystals are said to be helpful with certain conditions or symptoms and to have so called traditional meanings. Lists of these, often found in books for the lay person, only serve as an initial, general guideline and greatly over simplify issues. Although different people can suffer from identical symptoms, the cause of these symptoms may vary considerably from person to person. The resulting disturbance in the auric field may therefore be of another nature. Equally, each person is unique and will need the appropriate crystals for their specific needs. This is why one cannot generalize concerning using crystals for healing.
There are thousands of different minerals and crystals. Most healers use around a hundred different varieties (at most) for healing. During a healing session, only a few of these will be applied. The energies of specific crystals may be calming, energising, purifying, grounding or uplifting. They may have a protective, soft, direct, light, profound or other energetic quality. A crystal healer will first of all assess the exact nature of any blockages in a client’s auric field and then choose crystals with the appropriate energy frequency to help restore harmony and balance.
How can Crystal Healing help me?
Healing can promote ‘wellness’, help prevent physical illness and support the recovery of existing symptoms. It can also be very helpful in crisis situations and with ‘terminal’ illness. Healing often involves some form of change in a client’s overall way of being. It may be through the release of redundant patterns, a relief of stress and tensions or a deeper insight into the cause of a specific problem or symptom. It may also be through revitalisation, relaxation or establishing a greater amount of peace and harmony.
What to expect during a Crystal or Energy Healing Session
You may be asked to remove your jewellery and to either sit on a chair or lie on a therapist’s couch during the treatment, fully clothed (minus shoes!). The healer will help you to relax and, for crystal healing, may then place some crystals on or around your body. You may experience a slight tingling or nothing at all. Changes do still happen on subtle levels. At times, existing issues may slightly intensify before being released This occurs usually within three days of a treatment and the healer will always explain to a client what to expect or do should this happen. Usually the whole session will not last more than one hour. All healers adhere to a strict code of conduct and confidentiality.
(Information from CHF)
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