Fluorite a stone for chaos!!!!

Composition: CaF2
Alternative names: Crimson Night Stone, Derbyshire Spar, Fluorspar, Fluor.
Healing: Discourages disruptive and disorganized growth. Brings order to chaos. Encourages health and emotional well-being. Boosts the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of cells, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract. It improves the discomfort of shingles and nerve-related pain.
Price: £2.00

Fluorite: Pink
Discourages disruptive & disorganized growth. Brings order to chaos. Encourages health & emotional well-being.
Pink FluoriteTumblestone:
Price: £2.00
Fluorite: Yellow
Composition: CaF2
Alternative names: Golden Fluorite. Sunshine Fluorite.
Healing: A detoxifier, especially of the liver. Brings organisation with groups. Enhances creative and mental abilities, as well as exhibiting the same qualities as fluorite.  Brings order to chaos. Discourages disruptive and disorganized growth.
Yellow fluoriteTumblestone :
Price: £2.00
