All the crystals on this site are of the HIGHEST QUALITY. We can guarantee there are NO LABORATORY GROWN OR RECONSTITUTED/DYED samples in our shop or site. We only carry the HIGHEST GRADE , NATURALLY OCCURING crystals and minerals and are very proud of our collection
 Aries March 21st - April 20th FIRE HEMATITE –  “Stone for the mind” enhancing mental clarity, memory & original thinking. Eases blood pressure & stress. CARNELIAN –  Powerful healer. Helps kidneys, lungs, liver, gall bladder & pancreas. Revitalises the blood. Enhances sociability. HERKIMER DIAMOND –  "Stone of Attunement". Provides harmony & helps one to find what one has been seeking. Alleviates body toxins & aids clear thinking. |  Taurus April 21st - May 21st EARTH ROSE QUARTZ –  “Love Stone”. Dissipates negative emotions, replacing them with forgiveness & compassion. Calms children. LAPIS LAZULI –  “Stone of Awareness”. Helps expand intellectual capacity. Aids the skeletal system. PERIDOT –  Cleansing & protective. Inspires happiness & delight. Regulates all human cycles. |  Gemini May 22nd - June 21st AIR AGATE, BANDED –  Inspirational and uplifting. Treats arthritic conditions & skeletal structure. CHRYSOCOLLA –  Revitalises & rejuvinates. Eases heartache giving renewed strength. Releases distress caused by negative emotions. |  Cancer June 22nd - July 22nd WATER CALCITE –  Helps one to remember past states. Used in recovery from illness or disease. MOONSTONE –  Feminine stone, eases period pains & balances emotions. Helps in accepting change & transition. Traveller’s talisman. CELESTITE–  A good balancer. A stone for mental activities. Brings calm & harmony. An excellent healer, it transmutes pain into light & love. |  Leo July 23rd - August 21st FIRE JASPER, RED –  Protects against harm. Helps grounding & memory of dreams which will help your life. TIGER’S EYE –  Symbolises personal power, integrity & the ability to bring heaven to earth. Increases will-power. AMBER –  Fossilized resin. Helps the body heal itself through bright & soothing energy. Aids post-natal conditions. |  Virgo August 22nd - September 23rd EARTH RUTILE –  “Angel’s Hair”. Intensifies the power of quartz. Aids a sense of purpose & the will to complete an intention. JADE –  “Dream Stone”. Helps one to remember dreams to build dream vision. Provides confidence and self esteem. EMERALD –  Opens the heart & quietens the emotions. Brings harmony & aids meditation. |  Libra September 24th - October 23rd EARTH AVENTURINE, GREEN –  “All-round healer” which soothes & heals. Keeps one balanced during times of stress or turmoil. OPAL, BLUE –  Helps communication & stimulates creativity. Balances the metabolism. SAPPHIRE –  “Stone of Prosperity”. Brings the gift of life & fulfils dreams & desires. |  Scorpio October 24th - November 11th WATER SMOKEY QUARTZ –  Gently dissolves negative energies & blockages. Excellent grounding stone for meditation. MALACHITE –  Helps in times of change. Clarifies emotions & eases responsibility. TURQUOISE –  Refreshes & encourages foresight. Helps those suffering extreme emotions. Eases inflammations & stimulates regeneration. |  Capricorn December 23rd - January 20th EARTH OBSIDIAN –  “Apache Tear”. Brings comfort in times of grief. Inspires forgiveness & releases grievances. GARNET –  “Stone of Health & Commitment”. Extracts negative energy & transmutes it to a beneficial state. Aids skin conditions. RUBY –  A shielding stone against unhappiness & nightmares. Can remove toxins from the body. |  Sagittarius November 11th - December 22nd FIRE SODALITE –  Helps one to arrive at logical conclusions & eliminate confusion. Provides direction with a lightness of heart. CITRINE –  Dissipates negative energies. Has a cheerful & positive vibration. Attracts wealth through manifestation. TOPAZ, BLUE –  Enables expression of one’s feelings. Brings mind, body & spirit together in union. |  Aquarius January 21st - Februrary 19th AIR SELENITE –  Gently grounding, it clarifies thinking. Promotes optimism. Quietens the mind. An excellent channeler. FLUORITE –  Discourages disruptive & disorganized growth. Brings order to chaos. Encourages health & emotional well-being. AQUAMARINE –  Encourages one to be prepared. Emits a gentle energy, exhibiting moderation. Brings order to responsibilities. |  Pisces February 20th - March 20th WATER AMETHYST –  Bestows stability & peace. Soothes & calms. Eases headaches & aids sleep. Helps with hearing disorders. LABRADORITE –  “Temple of the Stars”.Enhances patience, clears the mind & can increase psychic ability. BLOODSTONE –  Good for the blood, it enhances physical & mental vitality. Reduces stress. Helps centering, intuition & creativity. | |
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