
Crystal: Agate
Agate: Blue Lace
Composition: SiO2
Alternative names: Light Blue Miracle Stone, Blue Agate.
Healing: Inspirational and uplifting stone. Treats arthritic conditions rheumatism and joint problems. Brings peace and patience. Cooling stone.
small product photoTumblestone :
Price: £1.00
small product photoUnpolished :
Price: £1.00
Agate: Grey banded
Composition: SiO2
Alternative Names: Riband Agate, Striped Agate, Botswana Agate, Stone of Balance.
Healing: A powerful balancer. Enhances perception. Cleanses the aura & awakens creativity. Aids fidelity & strengthens mind.
Used in healing to treat intestinal disorders and ailments of the eyes, ears, nose and throat.
small product photoTumblestone:
Price: £1.00

Agate: Red banded
Very good balancer. It cleanses the aura and awakens creativity. It provides fidelity in marriage and strengthens poor eyesight, also tones mind and body. Powerful healing stone.
small product photoTumblestone:
Price: £1.00
Agate: Fire
Extremely protective qualities both dispelling fear and encouraging personal advancement. The fire in the stone aids the loins and can be used to reduce the temperature of the body. Overcomes problems associated with the central nervous system, and circulation.
Fire AgateTumblestone 
Price: £24.99

Agate: Snakeskin
Brings a feeling of inner peace and joy to the owner. Promoting self esteem and general cheerfulness. Eliminates worries. Helps one find lost articles. Eases problems with the ears and stomach. Helps to combat the skins' aging process.
Snakeskin AgateUnpolished:
Price: £3.00

Agate: Moss
Increases self-esteem and improves outlook on life. Is used to combat depression and stress. Excellent detoxifier, easing symptoms of acute and long term illness.
Moss AgateTumblestone:
Price: £1.00

Agate: Tree
An earth-loving stone, said to bring courage to the user and a snse of inner strenght. Physically strenghtens the immune system ensuring a healthy body.
Tree AgateTumblestone:
Price: £1.00

Agate: Turitella
Containing fossilised snail patterns. Encourages a sense of humility and releases fear of attack. A good stone for transition and hope for th future. Reduces fatigue and aids digestion.
Turitella AgateTumblestone:
Price: £1.00
