Smithsonite all the colours of the rainbow!

Smithsonite.....all the colours of the rainbow!


Composition: ZnCO3

Alternative names: Zinc Spar.

Healing: Good for osteoporosis, sinus and digestive disorders and skin eruptions.  This stone build 'the bridge over troubled waters', it remedies uncomfortable situations. Promotes new beginnings and leadership and strengthens clairvoyance. Can be used as a replacement for 'laying on of stones', when a specific stone is unavailable.


Composition: ZnCO3 

Alternative names: Zinc Spar.

Healing: Good for osteoporosis, sinus and digestive disorders and skin eruptions. This stone build 'the bridge over troubled waters', it remedies uncomfortable situations. Promotes new beginnings and leadership and strengthens clairvoyance. Can be used as a replacement for 'laying on of stones', when a specific stone is unavailable.

Yellow Smithsonite

Smithsonite is a crystal of calm , peace, kindness and tranquility.  Very gentle presence that forms a barrier against problems that may be coming your way. It is the perfect stone for relieving stress and rock bottom depression....alleviating mental breakdown. 
Yellow Smithsonite works on the solar plexus. It releases old hurts and outgrown emotional patterning in healing.Aids digestion, assimilation of nutrients and relieves skin problems.

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