Ruby, Emerald Pearl and Sapphire Necklace. Wowsas!

This magnificent Necklace is made of real Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald and Pearls.

On sale right now at £150 in Dunkeld. Stunning. Call 01350 727292 if you would like it put aside or buy over the phone. xx

Composition: Al2O3

Alternative Names: Corundum, Ultralite, Hyacinthos.

Healing: "Stone of Prosperity". Brings the gift of life and fulfils dreams and desires. Aids with communication and insight. Aids disorders of the glands, pituitary and thyroid. Detoxifies skin and body. Cooling stone with aids contraction therefore great for reducing inflammation, fevers, nosebleeds.  Reduces radiation effect.

Composition: Al2O3

Alternative Names: Red Corundum, Anthrax, Oriental Ruby.

Healing: A shielding stone against unhappiness and nightmares. Detoxifies body, blood and systems. Extremely beneficial for the heart and circulatory systems. Contains chromium which aids blood sugar balance. Aids with fatigue and energy disorders such as ME and Glandular Fever. Intensifies all emotions. Stimulates an energetic and powerful emotional state. Great for new lovers or revitalising a relationship.

Composition: CaCO3+organic  

Alternative names: Wild Pearl.

Healing: Used as an aphrodisiac and eliminate stomach pains. Symbolises purity, trust, generosity, and innocence and is linked to femininity and beauty. It grants wisdom to its user and helps one to accept themselves

Composition: Be3Al2(SiO3)6

Alternative Names: Green Beryl, Columbian Emerald.

Healing: Opens the heart & quietens the emotions. Aids recovery after infectious disease. Alleviates rheumatism and diabetes. Treats sinuses and soothes eyes. Believed to ward off epilepsy. Brings harmony & aids meditation.
