Crystals for ME, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome

Crystals for ME, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome


Composition: SiO2

Alternative names: Stone of Power, Rock Crystal, Universal Crystal.

Healing: Laser wands focuses and accelerates the energy passing through it into a tight beam. Used during acupuncture to stimulate points. Master Healer. Can amplify, focus, store and transfer energy. Clears blockages and dissipates negative energy. Stimulates the memory and clears the mind. Treats chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and intestinal troubles.
Clear QuartzTumblestone small:
Price: £0.75

Tumblestone Large :
Price: £3.00

Composition: CuSiO3·H2O

Alternative Names: Emerald-Malachite.
Healing: Stimulates memory of past lives. Raises levels of consciousness to a high level. Will regenerate cells. Regulates cellular disorders, activates T cells and the thymus. Lessens fatigue and particularly effective for overcoming additions and stress. Helps to heal emotional pain stemming from abuse or abandonment  as a child. Brings forgiveness within.
polished per piece :
Price: £9.99

unpolished per piece :
Price: £9.99

Agate: Turitella
Containing fossilised snail patterns.
Encourages a sense of humility and releases fear of attack.
A good stone for transition and hope for the future.
Reduces fatigue and aids digestion.
Turitella AgateTumblestone:
Price: £1.00

Crystal: Chrysotile
This stone eases attachment to relationships and objects promoting integrity and resourcefulness. It helps to recognise the true self. Energies are used in treating arterial system, the lungs, MS and ME. Helps clear toxins.
Price: £2.00


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