Beautiful Carved Crystals and Spheres

Composition: SiO2  

Alternative names: Saxon Topaz, Spanish Topaz, Quartz Topaz, Madeira Topaz

Healing: Dissipates negative energies. Has a cheerful and positive vibration. Attracts wealth and good fortune. Aids the digestive system and can help treat diabetes. It helps eliminate toxins, relieve depression. and it reduces the harmful effects of electrical products and environmental toxins.

Composition: CaF2

Alternative names: Crimson Night Stone, Derbyshire Spar, Fluorspar, Fluor.

Healing: Discourages disruptive and disorganized growth. Brings order to chaos. Encourages health and emotional well-being. Boosts the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of cells, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract. It improves the discomfort of shingles and nerve-related pain.

Composition: CaSO4

Alternative names: Anhydrite

Healing: Aids clairvoyance & telepathy. A great balancer for the chakras, it assists a deeper state of meditation. Heals thyroid glands & organs. Aids the formation of new cells. Suppress hunger and increases metabolic rate.

Obsidian: Snowflake

Shields against negativity. Protective, stabilizing internal & external energies. Brings purity & balance.

Composition: SiO2 Alternative names: Smokey Citrine, Smokey Topaz, Smoky Quartz. 
Healing: Gently dissolves negative energies & blockages. Excellent grounding stone for meditation. Can help overcome addictions and reduce suicidal tendencies. Relieves muscular spasms and pains. It regulates liquids within the body and aids assimilation of minerals. 

 Composition: SiO2 Alternative names: Stone of Power, Rock Crystal, Universal Crystal. 
Healing: Laser wands focuses and accelerates the energy passing through it into a tight beam. Used during acupuncture to stimulate points. Master Healer. Can amplify, focus, store and transfer energy. Clears blockages and dissipates negative energy. Stimulates the memory and clears the mind. Treats chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and intestinal troubles. 

Composition: SiO2 Alternative names: Smokey Citrine, Smokey Topaz, Smoky Quartz. 
Healing: Gently dissolves negative energies & blockages. Excellent grounding stone for meditation. Can help overcome addictions and reduce suicidal tendencies. Relieves muscular spasms and pains. It regulates liquids within the body and aids assimilation of minerals. 

Composition: C10H16O. (variable) Alternative names: Lynx-stone, Succinite 
Healing: Fossilized resin. Helps the body heal itself through bright & soothing energy. Aids depression. It can calm the nerves and is said to help with postnatal depression. Used in the treatment of thyroid, kidney and bladder problems. Aids in the rehabilitation of throat and bladder illnesses. 
