Arthurite Another rare one!

Rare Mineral: One off so just email/ call if you would like to order!


It is useful in the treatment of infectious disorders and to enhance fertility. It has been used in the treatment of vertigo, acrophobia and ambulatory dysfunctions.

Arthurite is a mixture of divalent copper and iron ions in combination with trivalent arsenatephosphate and sulfate ions with hydrogen and oxygen.[1]Initially discovered by Sir Arthur Russell in 1954 at Hingston Down Consols mine in Calstock, Cornwall, England,[2] arthurite is formed as a resultant mineral in the oxidation region of some copper deposits by the variation of enargite or arsenopyrite.[1] The chemical formula of Arthurite isCuFe23+(AsO4,PO4,SO4)2(O,OH)2•4H2O.[3]
