Shields against bullying. xxx

Crystal: Hackmanite
A form of Sodalite. Aids pancreas, balances endocrine system, strengthens metabolism and lymphatic system. Alleviates fear and aids by calming and clearing the mind .Brings clarity and truth. Enhances communication and creative expression.
HackmaniteUnpolished :
Price: £39.99
Rare: One available

Obsidian: Snowflake
Shields against negativity. Protective, stabilizing internal & external energies. Brings purity & balance.

Obsidian Snowflake
Price: £1.00

Crystal: Mookaite
Provides a ‘shield' against negativity and danger. A great decision maker in setting out in new pastures. It also provides companionship to the lonely. Helps with hernias and the stomach.
Price: £2.00

Crystal: Ruby
A shielding stone against unhappiness and nightmares. Can remove toxins from the body.
Price: £14.99
 Unpolished :
Price: £5.00
