Stone for protection. xxx

Jasper: Scottish
Used as an amulet for protection. Japser is also a healing stone placed on the chakra according to the appropriately coloured stone.
Scottish Jasper
Tumblestone :
Price: £2.00

Tourmaline: Black
Repels & protects against negativity. Increases physical vitality, emotional stability & intellectual acuity.
Black ToumalineTumblestone:
Price: £3.00
 Unpolished :
Price: £3.00

Obsidian: Snowflake
Shields against negativity. Protective, stabilizing internal & external energies. Brings purity & balance.

Obsidian Snowflake
Price: £1.00
Obsidian SnowflakeUnpolished Small :
Price: £2.00
Obsidian SnowflakeUnpolished Large :
Price: £9.99

Quartz: Smokey
Used to gentle dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. An excellent grounding and protective stone especially during meditation. use especially fortreatment of lower body and physical pain.
Smokey QuartzTumblestone :
Price: £2.00
Smokey QuartzPoint :
Price: £4.00

Crystal: Phenacite
Facilitates contact with unseen entities through visualization and meditation. Multiplies energy and strengthens your protective fields. It is a stone of dreaming and remembering. Advances the state of meditation and furthers avenues available during this state. Allows the inner knowing, to prepare, in advance, for situations of which you have no prior conscious knowledge.
Price: £39.99

Composition: MnO2
Alternative Names: Fusa, Varivicite.
Healing: Strengthens the aura to repel negativity. Promotes confidence and optimism. Brings determination to a desired cause. Can aid in breathing difficulties and Bronchitis.  Protects against danger & toxins. Enhances memory & intellect. It is used for healing and balancing the aura via repelling negative energy. Has been used in treatment of bronchitis, to regulate metabolism and to strengthen the walls of the blood veins
 Tumbled :
Price: £9.99

Crystal: Limonite
This stone is protective and helps to aid intuition. It wards off negative thought and energy. It is excellent for crystal healers as it promotes the realisation of methods and techniques which will further recovery from all disorders.
LimoniteUnpolished :
Price: £6.00
