Crystal Christmas

Crystals as Christmas Gifts

Christmas is coming and everyone trying to think of original gifts and presents.

Well I think this is exactly the time of year to get Crystals!!! Crystals help to heal the body and mind through the frequencies they emit.

Crystals are formed under intense pressures and temperatures and this causes them to have an inate frequency. This frequency can be measure and proven by science using MRI scanning. They are the only non living things that have a resonant frequency! This frequency is also the reason that watch makers use Quartz in Quartz watches- the the quartz emits a constant frquency which keeps the time, it will constantly tick!

Everyone knows that frequencies affect us. Radio waves, mobiles, tv's, computers we have all been told about the dangers of too many of these types of waves. Crystals however, emit and energy wave which can heal the body.

Depending on what the chemicals and minerals create each individual crystal and the temperature and pressure, a different frquency is emitted, and therefore it affects the body in a different way.

For example Amethyst has a frequency, when measured, that is the same as our brain waves when in deep REM sleep. This crystal therefore helps to have better sleep patterns. It can also help with stress and headaches.

This Christmas you should get a crystal for someone. Show you really care and find something which will help them. Thats what Christmas is for anyway, to make people feel better about life!

Crystals for Christmas!
